Monday, December 29, 2008

Eep, eep, where are the modern science fiction authors at?

I shudder to think of the path that society is taking. I shudder not out of fear, exactly, for fear is mostly useless, but out of anticipation and curiosity. Yeah. Where are we heading? It seems as if the physical-consumer world is disappearing. Everything is becoming e-commercialized. Purveyors of physical music - CDs and records - are noiselessly falling by the wayside. Booksellers are following suit. Before that, we saw the incremental elimination of the Mom and Pops, the little guys, the stores with care and character. And, of course, the larger-than-life economic recession is not helping the situation.

I take the position that this is stuff we should be concerned about. I simply dislike the one-stop-shopping model, the humongous, impersonal, hideous factory-stores, the mass-produced, unwholesome food, the uniforms, the slogans, the sham, the glitz, and the kitsch. It is blatant and undesirable homogenization and insipidization. It is depressing.

Of course, there is a flip-side. There is always a flip-side. We must recognize that current capitalist processes are making life cheaper and, indeed, better for many if not most people. Stuff is cheap, decent, and outrageously accessible. The Walton model works wonders.

Then again, this throws a lot of uncompetitive retailers and manufacturers out of business. Simply put, they cannot compete with the monster-scale of super-corporations. Small stores' prices are higher, and so they lose.

Of course, poverty, exploitation, and social calamity are all the more egregious and hideous overseas. But...those people are poor. They are "underprivileged." Too bad. We get the cheap goods and, many previously poorer people abroad now earn an income, however meager. We love the $2-tee shirts, the mangoes in December, the dirt-cheap televisions, eye-glasses, DVD players, drugs, automobiles. The price per value ratio for stuff today is truly miraculous. Everyone has a big-screen TVs and uber-cable. The commercials impress themselves painfully on our eardrums, the glare is blinding.

If we want change, it is up to us, the informed and willful consumers. We own our current predicament. We do not have the prescience to recognize cause and effect or the discipline to stop ourselves. Some of us care enough to boycott what we see to be the biggest, meanest retailers.

But even beyond that, may the Earth-mother continue to smile upon us, some of us are ABLE to boycott the big, bad corporate bullies. Yes, yes, it is nice not to have to depend on Walmart's generous social services, bargain-buy drugs, diapers, and TV-dinners.

It is necessary to recognize corporate irresponsibility, and capitalistic excess, but equally important to note consumer preponderance. We pertain to coercive systems, sure, but ultimately we design those systems.

I just wonder, where we are going? What will this world look like in 15, 20, 30 years? We need to examine the science-fiction and dystopian-novel gospels. Maybe we need some prophets. I have ambiguous tremulousness thinking about mankind's future. It is quite exciting, no?

Friday, December 19, 2008


Consumerism is my only culture, I have decided. Also, I like it. I abhor shopping, but I like buying. I like consuming with people. I delight in the simple joy of coffee and a blessed book in a pleasant, artful cafe. I treasure music in all forms. Live music might be the most exhilarating thing I am cognizant of. I also appreciate movie watching in many realms and contexts. Salty cheese and warm, baked bread make me giggle and sigh contentedly, in a tipsy manner. I am an unsophisticated, indiscriminate gourmand. Add warm red wine, and I lose it. I like ornamentation. Hats, non-fashionable clothing, wall-posters, functional and beautiful objects. I like tastes, preferences, discriminatory consumerism. I like being judged and interacted with. I, I, I. I like individualism and selfishness. Naturally, I depend on you, my friend-followers, family, and strangers. All of you others, without whom I would be nothing. I like things the way they are. I would not have it any other way. Of course, it helps to be rich.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Once upon a time, some sad SOB's come up with the idea to go rock-climbing in December in Northern Pennsylvania. Destination: Mt. Hancock bouldering on lake Nockamixon.

Hardy mofos drive for a while, listen to mediocre music, get lost near climbing-grounds. Decision is made to ask for assistance at conveniently-close state-park office. Secretarial staff give climbers map and direction. But, wait, alas! Also informs climbers that climbable rocks are within legally-limited hunting grounds and that hunting season is extant.

Indomitable climbers are not cowed, but accept orange plastic vests with sincere thank-yous. Climbers push-on to parking lot, hike a score of minutes, find acceptable rocks. Actually, awesome rocks!

Climbers settle contently at foot of happy rocks, sip thermos-coffee, prepare for action. Father of climber calls, notifies ignorant climbers of impending weather - foul, hurty weather.

Immediate climatological response: snow bombs and hail. Snow concoctions fall light and fluffy, but so humongous that a single one, upon impact, explodes and showers on unsuspecting rock-climbers' eyes - temporary blinding occurs. Hail builds up on ledges and in cracks, making foot-holds suicidally slippery (20ft up, without rope) and hand-holds intolerably cold. Shoes must be worn without socks, hence feet rapidly deteriorate to the point of no-feeling. Hands crack and bleed and cry.

Stoic climbers climb on, as best they can. Wet leaves and rock become ice-covered, extraordinarily precarious. Climbers wander and explore, climb some, find sweet cave-likenesses and graffiti (Steve 1989!), suffer in silence like cold-tempered Scandinavians. Eventually the climbers decide that the fun is expired. They return home, satiated.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Vienen miles más domingos

Anoche, una película sobre madres y muertes me hizo llorar. Gotas escaparon de los pozos de ojos y cayeron...

Por desgracia, nos hemos puestos en una sesión de pérdida. Estupidez y codicia de los pocos causan el dolor y sufrimiento de los demás...

Solipsismo: "Yo sé que soy yo, porque siempre estoy aquí y siempre tú te vas..."

Racionalismo: "Lo hago porque funciona..."

Ten cuidado con quien te pones fe...

¿Como fue tu cara antes de que nacieron tus padres?

Si me ataras en cuerdas de queso y me pusieras en una jaula de pan debajo de un sol benigno, yo sería contento...

Había una vez, el mundo fue una bala de nevara y hielo. Ningunos seres poblaron la superficie ni los aires. Las aguas tuvieron una plétora...


Aún mundos desocupados tienen aspirantes a reyes...

Todo el mundo tiene un llanto en su bolsillo de detrás. El pesar y la alegría conviven en todas vidas...

Si no tuviéramos cerebros, todavía tendríamos problemas...

Somos máquinas solamente si decidimos ser máquinas. Hay que reconocer el conocimiento único y la potencia orgánica...

Cuando computadora llega a ser más listo que creador somos muertos. Mientras nuestras creaciones están manufacturados con los limites del humano y en su imagen está bien...

Cuando yo vea el espejo vació, seré iluminado...

Con dos palios, dos bongos, el metrónomo del reloj rojo, mano y mente, cualquier ser tiene el poder preciso de la percusión ilimitada...


Friday, December 12, 2008

The case of the Tra La La Blip

Well my friend followers, Christmas break has come. Based upon past experience, I expect to see a proliferation of free time for all. This gives rise to potential for rousing change. In the spirit, I think it apt to diversify this blog. I do not know what that foretells.

Anyway, today I want to tell you about a musical project. There is group called Tra La La Blip. It is good. Tra La La Blip is composed of a collective of musicians that live in New South Wales. They produce unique self-described loop-electronica/pop/other music. They are good. They all suffer from some "intellectual or physical disability." Their music production process, called the Soundbeam Sessions, was facilitated by musician Randolf Reiman. It is good. I suggest strongly that you take a peek with an open mind and in the spirit of inspiration-seeking. Listen to the music. Look at the pictures. See if you like it. Report back!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

As scared as always

Massacre represents nothing new
Transgressor receives pain for past aggressions
Terrorism is a point of view

Actions are equal and opposite
Individual suffers the consequence of coalitions
Does the innocent bystander exist?

Invariably there is a reason
Everywhere there are exploitations
And it is always self-interest season

I am perplexed and curious,
Is there such a thing as to act in the human interest?

Note: I wrote this after the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed at least 147 people.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday reflections

I woke up this morning exuding serenity and moved my living corpse to the bathroom for my diurnal pee. Once there, I positioned myself, leaned my head against the cabinet, and lost myself in my own reflection in the toilet bowl...

Who here has read "Narcissus and Goldmund?" Hesse is the master of the pensive epic, and this but one of his philosophical works. It contrasts spiritualism and hedonism; fixation on mind and body. Ultimately, enlightenment is personal, but mixture is advisable...

Sugar, flour, (a lot of) butter, chocolate chips. Oven. Stove top for cooling. Amorphous mass of deliciousness. Bradley likes blondies! (and brownies, for that matter, but they require variation in ingredients)...

Daddy. Mommy. Genetic components combine. Progeny. Simple, but then immediately complicated...

Touch your baby as much as possible; make sure there is time enough for love. Teach it, protect it, nurture it, do not stifle it with stricture. The rest is up to the world...

Find friends that are smarter than you. They will teach you to be as bright as they are...

How many environmentalists does it take to screw out a light bulb. One, if he/she is wisely equipped...

Do not break bulbs, "borrow" them from those that use them immoderately. There is too much unnatural illumination...

Waste not, want not...

Blessed be the poor and cursed be the rich was never practical. Recognize your good fortune always, and make honest and selfish decisions accordingly...

Sure, it is cold, but is not the snow beautiful!? You must always give some to get some, just ask Newton...

The Fig Newton is a polarizing cookie. As is the Macaroon. I like them both for their merit, innovation, and tastiness...

Go to the abode of Allie Jennings if you want the most titillating treats around...

Thank humanity or luck or your g(G)od or ghost or anonymous benefactor for all of the good that is around you...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Things you shouldn't do for $$

Money is not happiness. It is expendable and it is earnable. When having lost a large sum of money, consider your options and your other assets (e.g. health, education, friends & family, love). Consider your relative position as a human on the earth. Are you one of the few privileged ones capable of earning easy money? Consider the meaning of money and how you could live without any, if you wanted to.

Do not do these things for money or as a result of money:

Act immorally or against your conscience (a rule which subsumes most of the other rules)
Kill (including yourself)
Debase yourself; aka cause yourself or others to lose respect for you
Act illogically, rationalize, or self-deceive
Lose hope

Money is a paltry thing. It is the tip of the iceberg of the aggregate of wealth. Spend it wisely, spend it when you have it, save it when it is in your interest to do so, earn it honestly with dignity. Do not negate your other economic assets through worship of money. Do not deify it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

O boy, this is a big one...

I read an article titled, "Election spurs 'hundreds' of racist threats, crimes." Surprise, surprise, the population of the United States is racist! We have a black president-elect; gun sales and hate crimes are on the rise.

[Admittedly, the cross-country gun sale rise (of 250%, by some reports, and in some places) is not really an indication of assassination intent. Not only do gun sales typically surge during economic and social convulsions, but it is a preemptive move based on the assumption that Obama will tighten arms restrictions.]

Americans are evincing a bizarre and backwards fear. What are we afraid of? Well, people of color, for one. The alteration of the color spectrum of the US population is terrifying to many. That, however, is visible harbinger of a less quantifiable trend; change. Humans (all humans) fear change, especially when it is perceived as out of control.

Fear of change makes us malleable mites. And, as Yoda would have us know, fear leads to suffering, by one route or another. The two greatest evils are self-deception and illogic (not really a word). Both are exacerbated by fear.

On Nov. 5th there were those around the world speaking various dialects of the same language, pronouncing dramatically, "Well, there goes the country, the good 'ol country of days yonder." What we should recognize is that things were not better in the past, and things will not be worse in the future. The only thing to lament, for some, is the fall from grace of the white man which is presumed to accompany the diversification of the population. Every society has a race-based social hierarchy, ours is dominated by whites (not to mention the traditional cornering of the elite market by WASPS and subsequently other Christians).

Populations always resist change. Americans have always deprecated and suppressed newcomers, be they white or brown or black. And then when they are poor because they are marginalized and succumb to higher incidences of crime, we portray them as petty, dirty, immoral and uncivilized. This is the racialization system of the US, and most places. We stereotype and pigeonhole them as different and our hostility herds them into isolated communities. Our elitism and xenophobia urges our marginalized ones to close up and develop differently, adversely.

O, I do not object to immigration restrictions. There is a question of self-interest involved (a big question, one for another post, perhaps).

What I abhor is deception, both that that is perpetrated against the self and the others. It is popular today to make little of racism or to treat it as a historical (aka solved) problem, or one that is endemic to the southern US. The truth of the matter is that racist thought exists in every geographic locality, every society, if not in every person. Racism is based on deception and illogic. Specifically, the premise that people are biologically different. That is disproved. If biologically all humans are the same, phenotype (the sum of physical characteristics) becomes simply a method of identification, or, in the case of racialized social systems, a method for categorization by which people are treated differently based on color coding. The hierarchy of treatment is formulated by elements inside (and sometimes outside of) society.

The argument for racism is extended to consider culture, a nut not so simply cracked. There is no doubt that what is known as culture (i.e. the confluence of attributes such as so-called race or ethnicity, religion, language, geographic focus, history, folklore etc.) is variable. Whether or not it is important, however, is up for debate. I recognize the importance of its consequences (just as I recognize the importance and reality of the consequences of race (perhaps more accurately called the concept of race)). However, I believe that humans are all fundamentally the same; i.e. we share a human nature. By that reasoning, all human action and interaction is comprehensible and comparable. Portraying people to be irreconcilably different is illogical and divisive. Using the "clash of civilizations" theory to wipe my bum would be an affront to my anus; the premise that wars in the future will be between radically different so-called "civilizations" rather than between states is asinine. When some blurry idea of the "Confucian world" squares off against the non-entity that is the "Muslim world" recall that I told you that such a conflict is impossible (under current circumstances and trajectories) and then wake from your drug educed stupor. The reality is that such grandiose theories are cooked up by bored academics to mollify or divert the masses (aka, me and you). That one, concocted by Sam Huntington, is particularly nasty and inflammatory. Unfortunately, it gets a lot of adoration and attention, especially by those who currently run this country.

If we could recognize some simple realities, we could make reasoned and logical self-interested decisions. We would not be as susceptible to deceptive propaganda. That said, everybody buys into his or her own brand of propaganda, to some extent. If we learn to trust ourselves, our judgment, our reason, however, we can convert propaganda into evidence. Robert A. Heinlein writes, "Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, avoid opinion, never mind what the neighbors think... You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue. Get the facts!" (This appears in his epic novel Time Enough for Love) Facts cannot coexist with self-delusion and illogic, reject those two natural tendencies and be brutally honest with yourself.

And, as a corollary, Saul Williams contributes, "And what you do is question everything they say do/ Every goal ideal or value they keep pushing on you/ If they ask you to believe it question whether it's true/ If they ask you to achieve, is it for them or for you?" (In the song, Act III Scene II on the album Saul Williams)
The point is this: Know yourself and trust yourself above all others. Everybody has an agenda. Fear is a tool by which we are manipulated. People are fundamentally the same but lamentably, inevitably, and probably permanently divided by social constructions of so-called race and culture.

It is not about race, it is not about ethnicity, it is not about culture. Everything essentially boils down to competition over finite resources. The polemics, the divisive, macho talk, the bullshit, it's all aimed at perpetuating worldwide inequality. Who among us is honest enough to be willing to admit that he/she likes being rich and would rather not share his and his society's wealth equally among the world's population? Raise your hands if you would prefer to maintain your munificence and star-kissed life opportunity, rather than give it away for drastically reduced wealth and life-enjoyment, if not misery and death. *raises hand*

Today the world's so-called melting pot prepares for its first black president. What does it matter? Well, as I noted in another post, it is symbolic of the potential of people of color, and of people of low social status and meager opportunity. Anybody can achieve, not that we needed evidence. Other than that, he is just another political figure, no matter his excellent oration. He could and might do great things, he might flop. Let us hope that he upholds truth, fallibility, and brutal honesty and does a little more than perpetuate the political pendulum. There is such a thing as progress, and change comes whether or not we want it or not. Obama will have awesome power to facilitate or stymie. Let us hope he chooses the former.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Finalmenta ha llegado...

...el tiempo escribir una carta en espanol. Tengo que pensar en mis aficionados hispanohablantes. Creo que son muchos a pesar de la falta de "seguidores." Ahora yo quiero escribir de algo, pero no conozco el algo de que quiero escribir. "Puedo escribir los versos mas tristes esta noche." Escribir, por ejemplo, "que lindo es amar, y que lloroso morir desconocido, sin amor o amigo, solo y olvidado."

Creo que es cuando pierde que se conoce. Por ejemplo, no conozco los limites de mi personalidad porque no he sobrevivido muchas tristezas. He vivido toda la vida en un ambiente rico y comodo. Entender mis habilidades, tengo que experimentar mas y mas. Por eso intento ponerme en situaciones dificiles o diferentes porque quiero entender mi mismo y quiero madurar. Cuando no cambio, muero.

Hable con un amigo hoy y aprendi. Nosotros hablamos por pocos minutos entre clases en la acera en una manera muy informal. Pero hablamos, de veras hablamos. Hablamos del respeto de personas y ideas y visiones del mundo. Estabamos de acuerdo que cambiar una persona, primero es necesario entenderle. Todo el mundo se merece una pizca (a modicum) de respeto. Usualmente las personas tienen sus razones detras de sus creencias. Descrepar de algo debe escuchar y intentar entenender sus valores y razones. Cuando los entiende, a veces puede cambiar su mente con unos cambios razonables. Muchas personas tienen mentes inalterables y existe razones insidiosas, entonces, no funciona este metodo siempre.

Con esto en mente, debemos movernos a traves del mundo intentando fomentar los debates razonables y constructivos. Si no creemos que nuestra vision del mundo es "el mejor" no la tendriamos. Pero, podemos respetar los pensamientos de las demas y aprender de todo el mundo. Tener respeto para los demas es crucial hacer el mundo mas agradable.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Obama won. "Yes we can!" Yes we did!" What can we expect in the future? This is only the beginning.

The hope cannot stop. The massive grass-roots following, the indistinct fire underneath Obama's bum, the support and the impetus cannot stop. There is no coherent social movement agenda of Obama pushers, there are only those who look to him with hope and preference. We must ensure that he does and is what we want him to do and be.

There is no doubt that this is an historic moment. An African American is president of the United States. Obama is a symbol figure, and as such, he is revolutionary. Perception of the racism that exists in the United States will change, for the better. Who will question the heights of the potential of the youth of color now?

Obama is not only a symbol of racial equality, but he is a symbol of intellectualism and professionalism, a beacon of light for the US. He is a figure that can and will be embraced on foreign soils. He is a "chance for change" on all fronts, internal and external. He is a moderating force, I think, more than anything else. Look at his policies, even his social policies (homosexual marriage and death penalty, for example). He is not overwhelmingly liberal, despite the rhetoric of the McCain campaign which pointed to him as a "redistributor of income," and a "socialist." He is, to some extent, because he is a Democrat. But, he is not very socialist, he is a moderate, he is a moderate, he is a moderate.

He will TRY to bridge gaps - racial/ethnic, partisan, foreign relations, class-based, etc. I pray to the souls of the river of the dead that he will make moderation, reason, and pragmatism the cornerstones of his presidency. These are the most important points. He has a tremendous potential. To live up to the potential, to be a transformational figure he MUST live up to the perception of the conciliator, he MUST reconcile differences, he MUST despise and condemn divisiveness, discrimination, and hate. If he does not do this, he remains a symbol of racial equality, he remains a symbol of excellence and reconciliation for the world at large, he remains a Democrat, and a talented one at that. Of course, Obama's efficacy as president will be hamstrung by, if nothing else, the economic situation.

Movement towards equality in all things is and should be the goal, on national, global levels. Obama is a step forward. And, I trust him, I believe in him, his character, his capacity. I think his goals are as pure as politically feasible. He might be an enlightened being, but that is probably pushing it, and even if it is not, he is human. I think he is limited by this country, this society, which is just as unexceptional as all or most societies. I love America, I really do, but when we get caught up in our own uniqueness and self-worth, we forget those things that make our society wholly imperfect, we ignore our shortcomings. That is both ignorant and impeding to progress.

Who really knows about any politician, though? We live amongst social constructs of everything, where most things are arbitrary, where masks and superficialities are popular, and where money determines most everything. It has been said that today's event is a reason to discard cynicism. If not cynicism, I maintain a healthy suspicion, a vigilant critique. We must keep our eyes open, Obama or the folks behind and around and within Obama could hoodwink us just as easily as the powers that be have deceived and manipulated us for the last four years.

I hope, but I hope with words and gestures, while eyes and heart maintain sober heaviness that I cannot shake. Obama's oration represents me. His speech this eve made me want to cry. Whether from exultation or fear of being let down, I have not yet decided.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fewer friend followers than foreseen...

It is OK though, I assure you I am not disheartened. I could dedicate myself to this blog even if I did not have friend followers, though I pray to Krishna that that does not become necessary. I blame this fact on the reality that you cannot be a follower without a blog, I think. Also, many people will join us soon, we just have to let the "word of mouth" do its thang. Anyway, I think this is enough for now. Maybe more later. Definitely some tidbit tomorrow (election day!).

Monday, November 03, 2008

Unleash the hordes...

(free verse): The hordes have been unleashed! Facebook floodgates open! Friends and freaks, misfits and mofos, boot-lickers and detractors, the young and beautiful, the hideous and feeble, the enlightened and the foolish, come join us, come join me. Feed my egoism, encourage my procrastination, kill some time, obliterate some braincells. You know you have nothing better to do. Everything is just as bad as this, trust me.

At this moment I believe that I am my only follower. But that is OK, all that is changing.

Indeed, you are here, my dear. Like a beast in the headlights, you are captivated by my capriciousness, bribed by my bullshit, enticed by my elusiveness. Stay a while, get to know me, and get to know everything and nothing. I am the purveyor of palaver and the disseminator of discursive deeds, didaes and diddles. Leave not! I supplicate before you, I demonstrate, I demand, I order. You are not going anywhere, friend. Become my follower, join me!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

A prescient prediction: daylight savings time, now

I have deduced from a protracted period of clock-watching that the world fell asleep this morning and lost an hour. This would normally be fantastic, for I would be receiving an hour's extra sleep, but I am awake. Furthermore, I am set to meet a friend to make music this very morning. I cannot exactly say when I am set to meet him, whether in 20 or 80 minutes. The world is in disarray. The space and time continuum has been ruptured, some time slipped away. Even if he is as perceptive as I, he might decide not to show up at "8:30." This is a conundrum, a psychological guessing-game, and very much some stinking shenanigans. Why was I not told about this? I really would have appreciated a national update. I will be one of many wronged and confused mofos on this day. Fuck the merchants.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

I had a smiley face testicle last night...

That's correct, a smiley face stress ball testicle. I squeeze it all the time. Much of yesterday was spent frantically sorting through boring and idiotic costume ideas in my head, and as of 10:37pm the best that I had come up with was a flasher wearing a bathrobe.

As I have repeatedly told people, a flasher must either have nothing or something funny to reveal. I chose something I thought to be relatively funny. I got some laughs, some guffaws, some chuckles, not a single spew of vomit. I had to cut a slit in my underwear for attachment purposes, but it was a small price to pay.

Maybe next year I will prepare a little better, but probably not. The spontaneous usually works. And, I made this silly blog in the off-time before the ingenious brainwave that led to wandering around in my underwear, in a robe and slippers, with a happy yellow ball where my balls should have otherwise been.

I was walking down the street, and this guy dressed up as a drag queen goes, "hey, are you a jedi or something?!" and I turn around, without saying a word, and unleash the ball, and he's like, "give me some of that baaaaby!"

So my night (after 10:37pm) was this: yellow testi, bad wine, good pie, bad vodka, bad beer, good people all the hell around, lewd offerings, and good music. What more can a procrastinator, single-balled youth ask for?


I am a bum... Not for Halloween, despite the fact that that was a very real option for some time (think gallon wine jug in paper bag), but just in general. I did not prepare for Halloween. I love the holiday, I love getting dressed up in freaky, garish, funkyness, but I failed the world at large this time. It is 10:37pm and I am in my room not even pondering a potential costume, just dicking around.

Anyway, this is a post on a blog which I set up for no reason. Well, I was coerced into it by the advertising power of google/blogger. I got on here to read John Keener's blog and now I have this. Whatever this is.

I'm going to go experience Halloween.